Launchpad6 are really excited to announce that we have just released the beta version of EducationPad.To mark this special milestone we are inviting people to apply to our free beta program.At the end of the program you may be selected to enjoy free use of the fully released version for up to 6 months. So what is EducationPad? EducationPad allows you to publish videos and other content that has educational value and turn these into courses that you can create into products and provide subscription access to your users. Great use cases include:
Prerequisite training courses
Digital online training to supplement face to face training
Continuous education certification such as for medical or professional service organisations
Conference videos
and much more....

Some of EducationPad's features include:
Fully SAAS web based platform
Extensively customisable educational portal
Course and sub-course structures
Questionnaire creation and management
Customisable certificates
Support for multiple education providers within the one platform
Manage Redeemer codes for free or discount access to courses or lectures
Payment gateway integration and automated payment and subscription management
and much, much more....

If you are interested in applying to be involved in the EducationPad Beta program please get in quick as we only have limited spots.